Posts tagged pilot
Matt “Matty” Hall Takes Over Afterburner Australia Christian "Boo" Boucousis Transitions to Global CEO Role

[25 February 2025] – [Newcastle, Australia] – Afterburner, a global leader in corporate team-building and leadership training, is proud to announce that Matt Hall, reigning Red Bull Air Race World Champion and former Royal Australian Air Force top gun fighter pilot and retired wing commander, has taken the helm as the new owner and leader of Afterburner Australia.

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He’s Not A "Madman” - The Real Matt Hall

People often ask me what Matt Hall is really like. Their first impression after seeing him fly is that he must be some sort of madman to take on those risks. Sure, it would be mad if you or I flew under a bridge with a nine-metre clearance, but being a former fighter pilot, Matt is very accustomed to operating under ultra-high levels of pressure and threat. Working within the finest of margins is completely normal for him.

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